Saturday, September 6, 2008

I am domestic, hear me roar!!!

I had always considered myself pretty"domestic" in my own right. Until... I discovered the Blog World (darn you Sami!) and found all these blogs by seemingly normal women. It wasn't until further inspection of their blogs did I discover their hidden talents. Most of the blogs I was reading were from SAHM and Homeschooling Moms. Ironically enough, I am neither but felt drawn to these blogs (maybe the Holy Spirit's trying to tell me something?)

Long ago when I first became a mother, I used to think of SAHM's as whiney crybabies. I remember thinking, when I briefly became a SAHM until my son was nearly 2, "What the heck are they complaining about? Why do women think being a SAHM is soooo hard? Big stinkin deal, you get stay home and play with your kid all day, so what? The REEEEAAAAL work is out there in the REEEAAAL world, not at home!" Now just hold it right there and wait a minute before you click on my comment link to shoot me a few nasty words!

Please keep in mind that I was first of all, not a follower of the Lord and was very selfish. I resented staying home (which was mostly my husband's desire) and bought into the lie of the world that a women's real worth has to be found in a job, a career or anything else outside of the home. Secondly, I found no real passion in really wanting to keep up my home let alone wanting to make it my family's retreat. I did keep things fairly clean though but it was just routine, no joy put into it what so ever.

I was saved nearly 3 years ago and that's when my viewpoints and outlook on this began to change. It hasn't been until recently though that my respect and admiration for SAHM's has really grown strong. So here I am, a Working Full Time Out of The Home Momma (posts to come soon on why I do this) who is learning through my Bible study on my role as a woman, wife and mother and comes onto the blog scene. I soon discover this wonderful network of SAHM's who are Amazing Domestic Diva's! You girls rock!

I have learned to make my own homemade buttermilk and now my new fave... 100% Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread (using the homeade buttermilk =0) and learned more ways to stretch a buck than I can list! My next project may be homemade yogurt and cream cheese, we'll see! I've also gained so many new recipes and cooking tips that you just can't get in the Betty Crocker Cook Book! My Domestic Senses are tingling and I love it. I think my hubby does too! ;o)

You can check out Candy's blog for the recipes.

My Son Going to Town "Punching" the Bread


Pancakes I made
With the Buttermilk!

My son loves pancakes but weekday mornings around here are too crazy for homecooking in the AM hours! Soooo... I made a whole batch of these over the weekend, let them cool and wrapped them up in plastic wrap to freeze. This allows me to take 2 or so cakes out of the freezer, stick them on a plate and nuke for about 20-30 seconds and viola!! Homemade pancakes!

Helpful tip: Put plastic between each cake so they don't stick together when you take them out of freezer!


Kim said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Stephani! I have the cleaning gene (I'm born organized), but the homemaking gene is one I wasn't blessed with. But I have grown in my love for homekeeping more and more over time and find it tremendously satisfying like you are finding. Although I have my days! ;)

Bethany (Happy to Be Called "Mommy") is an awesome example, isn't she? She's got the energy to try so many new things. I'm amazed at all she does. I look forward to reading about your adventures! Btw, thanks for linking to me!

I need to get that ww sourdough bread recipe. That's one area I've not gone ww in.

Little Missy Homemaker said...

I've been a stay at home mom for eight years now! I didn't enjoy it as much the first couple years but I've grown to appreciate and find more joy in what I do in the last six or so. I think it was the whole feminist values pushed down my throat in school. I wish my school would have presented homemaking as an option, it would have seemed less foreign to me then, or then again I may have just laughed at it who knows.
Maybe God is showing you this world of homemaking to prepare you to stay home again, or also maybe God is showing you this to inspire you to do more when you are at home (in which case you are listening! You are already making your own bread and buttermilk, that is awesome!)
By the way I'm a simple midwest girl myself, I live in Texas but I was born and raised in Minnesota!