I however can barely remember what I had for breakfast! I thought it would be nice though to review at least the highlights (some good, some bad) from last year and be able to look back and see how the Lord's been working in our lives. So here goes....
January- The company I work for got a fresh start in a new building. We moved in Christmas Eve and spent most of January getting settled in.
February- My Avon business continued to take off and I won a $$$ prize for being a top recruiter. (please don't think I'm bragging because I get humbled by the Lord, see the review in May!)
March- We had a wonderful low cost swimming party for Eian's birthday with a Pokemon Pikachu cake and all for under $40! Woo Hoo!
April- I start to feel convicted of making Avon way too much of a priority and neglecting my family while still working my full time job.
My van poops out on me after being so faithful after 4 years, 250,000 miles and only $1800! My hubby's the master at good car deals.
My big Sis and her best friend from Florida come for a visit to go mushroom hunting, yeah it had NOTHING to do with me! I know, I know my family's twisted to drive 4 states to go mushroom hunting!
May- I feel a mild depression coming on from continued stress, pressure, and hopes of having more hours in the day!
A good friend of mine invites me to my first women's retreat. I go, reluctantly because off all my piling obligations. I went, was convicted that my walk with the Lord wasn't what He wanted it to be, repented and let go of so many things, and felt completely renewed and confident of what God wanted me to do. The bottom line... I wasn't trusting God to make a way for me to be a stay at home mom. Instead, I was trying to do it on my own and hurting myself and my family in the process. So the next day I called my Avon boss and quit the leadership program! I have never looked back and my family is so much better for it, thank you God!
June- We attended our annual company outing to the Indianapolis Indians baseball game.
My husband's car ALSO poops out. Ironic timing huh?
I feel like the Lord asked me to mention to our church in having our own retreat. Little did I know that the one who mentions an idea at church is the one who heads it up! he, he A lesson learned!
July- I am really trying to remember something from July but I am totally drawing a blank!
Oh, I do know that my husband was still job searching! It was slim pickens job wise around here though and still is.
August- My little man enters the second grade!
Month three of no employment for my husband but he keeps his spirits up and finds a little work here and there.
We continue to trust God with finances and try to re-pay Him by seeking to be better stewards with the money He does give us. So we enroll in a free biblically based money management class at a local church.
September- Hooray, David finds a job! Praise the Lord!
We were given emergency custody of our little niece temporarily.
David decides to take a semester off from school to focus on helping me with the new changes in our world. Plus, I think he needed a break!
October- It was a busy month of trying to adjust to having another little person in our house. Everyone's getting along great though but are struggling with my niece's separation anxiety.
On Halloween our niece was removed from our home temporarily. It was a very scary, confusing, infuriating, but humbling time for all of us. My trust level in the Lord went sky high after this ordeal. Once again, praise God... even for the trials!
November- We're pregnant and thrilled!
We have a scare with my brother as he allows himself to get entrapped by his old ways. We continue to care for his daughter as he is placed in a treatment facility.
Myself and a friend at church begin the retreat sign up.
December- Busy, Busy, Busy but full of blessings! We took part in our churches Living Nativity again, Christmas for Everyone, took cookies to the women's shelter, attended both kids' Christmas programs, and my sister's family came in from Florida!
My brother seems to be thriving with his new program.
God provides for us for Christmas! We continue to struggle to get caught up financially from the job changes earlier in the year. My son got just enough goodies though but we only spent $50 on him! Our wonderful deacon gave us much needed but not asked for and completely unexpected help! We also had a friend of ours who cleaned out her son's room who just so happened to have unopened games and toys buried in his closet in which she gave to us. Well atleast that was her story. Thanks Andrea and Aaron!
Well there you have it. I'm sure I'll think of more highlights after I post this but I think I did pretty good for my memory! What I think is so awesome as I look back at our year is God's awesome faithfulness ( I plan to do a future post dedicated to this attribute of His). I honestly do not think I could have gotten through all of the trials and changes that happened without the Lord. Did anyone notice that all of the trials (except for the van pooping out in April) happened after I re-committed myself in May at the retreat? God is amazing! He is now blessing me and my family in so many ways with the baby, assiting my brother with his daughter and getting to witness to him, the joy of being involved with our own churches' retreat, and learning the lesson of trusting God is also trusting my husband to be the leader in our home and be a better helper to him. Thank you Lord!
I can't wait to see what God has in store for us in 2009!
This was a great post and a wonderful to recap your year. Plus it fills us all in on what your year was like.
Hey girl, I got one for July for you: Spending the 4th with my sweetest friend ever! LOL Love ya babe!
You must have done something right - He's blessed you with another gift; due soon-enough! Glad to see you back! Come by and visit - I made the change back to blogger - make sure you update your link!
Whoa, what a year of high and lows for you and your family. I'm glad things are looking better now.
I live in a very small town where a lot of good people have been taken by drug addiction, so I am glad to hear your brother is doing better and I know it's really hard for him. I hope he can hang in there and get through it for his daughter.
Great post.
I enjoyed peeking into your precioius life just a bit. Congratulations to you both in being pregnant! Awesome! I'm so glad that your husband has work now and that your brother is doing better.
Bless your entire family in Jesus Name.
When I look back over 2008:
January - hormone alert! On set of menopause and a year of hormonal imbalance and very little weight loss BUT I'm back on track now!
February - my 42nd birthday which was saddened by the fact that we had to say goodbye to my dog Teak who is now with the Lord.
March - the entire MONTH of dental problem, pain and visits to two different Dentists. Awful!
April - my hubby blessed me with two puppies Goodness and Merci.
June - my granddaughter turned 1
August - the birth of my newest granddaughter
Sept - celebrated another Anniversary of Marriage to the man of my world!
Oct - never a good month for personal reasons.
Nov/Dec - everything that could possibly go GOOD did!
I left out a lot but these were the highlights.
I so enjoyed catching up on your year.
I used to be a director in a home-party line. I was bringing in pretty good money from my sales and the people below me. I won china, crystal, a diamond ring, and a free trip to Hawaii.
However, I too felt that it was to time consuming (I did not have any other jobs however) and taking me away from my family.
I did find another way to make money (although not as much) but with far less commitment.
The people there thought I was nuts to quit but I have never regretted it.
Great recap! You have a beautiful son. Congratulations on the little one. Many blessings in 2009!
Oh I loved your list!! I, too, struggle with even being INTERSTED in Leadership because it could be so potentially time consuming. God gave me my "job"... it's to stay home with my kids - the Avon part is just to keep me feeling useful, and in touch with other grown up type folks!! LOL
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